Friday, August 10, 2007

Addison Videos

Below are some links to all of the videos we have taken of Addison:

1. Addison in the Hospital Nursery

2. Addison's First Feeding with Mommy

3. Addison Rolls Over

4. Addison's First Rice Cereal

Water Baby

We try to take Addison swimming once every two weeks, since the weather is finally cooperating. We went to the pool about two weeks ago and the water was a little cooler; therefore, she didn't like it and we were gone in 15 minutes. We went to the pool yesterday and the water was warmer and she seemed to enjoy it a little more. She actually smiled, once (she never smiles in the pool). After the pool we came back to the house and gave her a bath. Well, I knew it would eventually happen, she peed in her tub. So we had to start all over again.

These pictures, well, this is what she looks like once she is out of the pool.

What a big girl

Addison now sits in her high chair during dinner time and watches everyone eat and plays with her toys. I think she really enjoys sitting in the high chair so she can look around at everyone.

We tried rice cereal and that experience wasn't a very pleasant one for her. She made gagging faces and was not pleased at all. We stopped feeding her rice, but I think we are going to try again this weekend. Hopefully this experience will be better than the last.

Continued Visit to Dallas

Here Addison is visiting with Grandad and Nana Stella.

Addison's Great Grandparents came over for a little visit.

Visit to Dallas

A few weekends ago, we went to Dallas to check up on the house and visit the grandparents. Addison was a little grouchy; that Friday morning we went to her four month check up where she got 4 shots. Our little munchkin is growing, she weighed 12 lbs 14 oz and was 24" long. She is averaging about 2 pounds every two months. She is just a little below the 50th percentile for weight and height, but she has always been smaller.

Here we are visiting with her GG and Great Aunt Debbie. Checking out the cute baby clothes Great Aunt Debbie bought for Addison.

After a little nap Addison was a little more social. Like I said, she was grouchy from those shots. Here she is spending some time with GG. Next time we go to Dallas we will have to schedule her appointment a few days before or after the visit!

Let them eat TOYS!!

Addison has discovered toys!! Yeay!! This is truly great because now she can entertain herself a little bit. Like any other baby, she loves to put the toys in her mouth. Everything she gets her little hands on immediately goes straight to her mouth.


Addison hasn't figured out how to crawl, yet, but I have a feeling she will figure it out in the next few weeks. She can scoot around, but she drags her head.

She has figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back, but not back. Her favorite time to do this is in the middle of the night. Whenever we go in there to flip her (again) back to her tummy she looks up at you and starts to giggle. She finds it very amusing.

Another Baby Carrier Attempt

A few weeks back, Mike decided to take Addison on a walk around the block in the baby carrier. Apparently, halfway through the walk she fell asleep. I can't imagine this was a comfortable position to fall asleep in, she definitely takes after her Dad.