Thursday, November 18, 2010

Twins Birthday Party

The week before Halloween Addison was invited to the birthday party for the twins in her class at school. We met the father and who I thought was the grandmother. Turns out she was the mother and had the twins when she was 51! They had the party at a kids gym with all sorts of crazy activities. Addison's favorite was climbing over the obstacles they had set up and going down the slides. Kara also had a fun time watching the kids go nuts and climbing on things herself.

Slide Movie

One of the activities involved chasing bubbles, ad you can see in the pictures below.

Bubble Movie

They also had some trampolines to jump on that were a big hit.

Trampoline Movie

They even invited a guy along that could make balloon animals or shapes. Watch the movie to see Addison's flower being made. Kara was tempted by the see-saw that was close in this movie.

Flower Balloon

Another activity was tossing some lighter bouncy balls up in the air.

Bouncy Ball Movie

When it was all done we went in the back and ate some cake and pizza!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Galveston in October

Kelly's company had a get-together at the beginning of October down at the Hotel Galvez. We stayed the night there at the hotel with both kiddos. This was a little nutso since Kara did not sleep well. I also found it funny that Kelly and Addison both tried to hog the same bed. When we first arrived we attempted to go to the old sailing ship named the Elissa, however, Addison did not want to go on it when we got close to it.

After striking out at the Elyssa, we decided to swing by the candy shop on the strand for a snack.

We then went to the Seawolf submarine which also had a park. It was a good think too, since Addison also did not want to go on the submarine. Addison had a good time on the slides despite some older kids and their dog that were on the steps to the slide not wanting to move out of the way. Addison was the only kid there that said excuse me when she wanted to go by and didn't just shove their way around. Kara had a great time on a blanket on the grass near the slides posing for photos and playing with her toys.

After the park, we went up to the hotel for the party. Several of the employee's kids were there, including the owner's grandson Owen. He is the blond haired kid around Addison's age in the pictures below. The kids had a good time playing on the tile floors, but quickly tired from all the craziness.

New Camera

Near the end of September, we decided to purchase a new DSLR camera just like the one our friend Casey West had. It was a step up from the point-and-shoot we had with a lot better options for taking clearer and more detailed pictures. We can actually get some "action shots" of them on the move now, and the flash is a lot more powerful than what we had previously. Here are some examples of us messing with the new camera when we just got it:

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

60th Anniversary in Dallas

Kelly's Mom's parents celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on September 3rd. We all drove up to Dallas to get together at Kelly's Mom's house. The girls had a good time seeing everyone and entertained the household as usual. We got to play a trivia game based on people and events from 60 years ago in addition to learning about how Kelly's Grandparent's met.

As you can see below, we were a little zonked when we got home and needed a nap.

New Landscaping

At the beginning of September, we bought some landscaping stones to better outline the flower beds in the front and back yards. We had 3 palettes delivered via a flatbed truck one morning, and the neighbors little boy came out to watch the fork lift drop them off. We had outlined the front two flower beds bordering the house at this stage. Addison wanted to dig in the dirt while this was going on so she could "help". Eventually, we will finish the entire front and back yards beds and take some final pictures.

Kelly's Exam and Addison the Photographer

Kelly's dad and Step-mom came down to help out since Kelly had an endoscopy done to make sure her pains and indigestion wasn't something more serious. She was in the hospital for about half a day for the procedure, and they didn't find anything wrong. Pictures of the patient are forbidden, and none will be shown on here.

Around this same time Addison had become and expert with our iPhones. She especially likes to take(and look at) pictures she takes with it. Below are some examples of her photography work:

Ice Cream

Addison has an unusual way of eating ice cream. First, she will take the spoon and dip the bottom of it in the ice cream. Then, she will lick the ice cream off the bottom of the spoon. I think she may do this to avoid "ice cream headache", however, she may just be acting goofy.

Here is a short movie of her eating:

Addison Eating Ice Cream