As part of the baby aerobics we do with Kara, she hangs out in her walker to strengthen her legs. Here is a picture and movie of her in there where she repeatedly gets very tired and then perks up again. Here is a link to the movie:
We went up to Dallas for Kelly's Grandaddy's(Kelly's Mom's Father) 80th birthday party. It was great to see everyone, and the girls had a great time. Addison of course enjoyed the chocolate cake, and Kara had a great time with one of the party balloons. Here is a movie of Kara having fun with that balloon:
We bought Addison her first bicycle since she was doing well with her pink car. She has a bit of a hard time steering and peddling at the same time, however, she is doing well for a three year old. We are hoping to get her using the bike a lot this summer when we go on walks.
First up we have some more pictures and movies of Kara. She has really started interacting with everything(including her sister) and also talking more than ever. She mainly says "dada" and "mama" along with some other excited screams. Here are those movies I mentioned:
Next we have Addison enjoying her pink car that her Great Uncle Eddie got her back at Christmas. She was a little small to push the pedals on it back then, but now she is tall enough and getting the hang of it. Here are two movies of her riding in the car:
Yes, we are a tad behind again on the blog(again). Here are some pictures from Easter when we went to Kelly's work for an Easter egg hunt with all the employees and kids. Addison had a great time looking for eggs and especially playing with the gravel from the parking lot. They also had a live rabbit there for the kids to play with and for pictures. Addison was a little scared of the rabbit at first, but warmed up to it quickly. Here is a movie with Addison and the rabbit:
Here she is in the gravel parking lot. She was enjoying picking up all the small rocks with her hands and dropping/throwing them around. Who needs fancy toys?