While Kelly was following Addison leaving one of the areas she stepped down from a raised area and I heard a pop from across the park. Kelly dropped like a stone and was in a ton of pain. This was a big deal since Kelly is a real champ when it comes to pain. We were pretty sure she broke her ankle, however, we were 10 minutes away from the house with two kids, a red wagon, and no car. So, we decided to have Kelly piggy back on me to the nearest bench while I ran home(literally) with the kiddos in the wagon to get the car. Addison had no idea what was going on and though she was in trouble for having to leave the park early.
On the way home, I called my parent's, who were luckily in Kingwood at that time. They met me at the house, and I immediately drove back to get Kelly. After getting her in the van we went home at first to take a look at her ankle, then decided to go to the hospital emergency room. A few x-rays later, it was clear that she had broken off the tip of her ankle bone. Luckily though, she did not rip any of the tendons and would not have to have surgery.
Kelly was then fitted with a boot that was molded to her foot and given some crutches. This was her first time using them, and it took some getting used to before she could maneuver with them. The good part about the boot was that she could take it off for a shower. We ended up putting a lawn chair in there so she could get cleaned up sitting down!
Kelly's dad and Stepmom were nice enough to swing down to help me take care of Kelly and the kiddos until Kelly was more mobile again without the crutches. I really can't thank all of the family that helped out enough as they went way above and beyond to make things easier for us.
Here is a picture of Kelly's ankle at the hospital: