Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Addison's 2 Week Check Up

The title pretty much says it all. We went yesterday for her 2 week check up. When she was born she weighed 6.4 and was 18.5 inches long. However, by the time we were discharged she weighed 5.15. It is normal for babies to lose weight after they are born due to the umbilical cord not constantly feeding them and they are trying to learn how to eat via bottle or breastfed. Our little girl now weighs 6.11 pounds and is 19 inches long. I don't want her to grow up to fast because at this young age you can hug and kiss them all you want without them saying "Gross Mom. You are embarrassing me." So, I have to give her all the loving I can before she learns to talk.

We have been doing some tummy time - build up those neck muscles so she can hold her head up. She will lift her head a little bit and move it around. After awhile she begins to cry, she doesn't enjoy too much tummy time unless she is laying on Daddy's chest.

As a shower gift Aunt Stephanie bought a hand and foot print ink set. This past weekend we decided to do the prints. Well, let me tell you how messy that is on a squirmy little newborn. The footprint went well. No problems there. The hand print didn't go quite as smoothly. As soon as we put the BLACK ink on her hand she made a fist and started waving her arm everywhere. Needless to say, her whole hand was black and she managed to get a little on her face. Because of this "struggle", the hand print did not turn out as well as the footprint did. Afterwards, I washed her foot and hand, but because she made a fist there was black ink all in her fingernails. I even gave her a bath and it still didn't remove all of the black ink from around her nails. Oh well! When we went to the doctor's office yesterday I told Mike that I hope they didn't notice the black ink around her nails and think we were abusing her! They didn't even mention it. My point here - if you have a squirmy little baby like we do think twice before you do black ink hand print or make sure your baby is (literally) passed out.

Addison's umbilical cord stump fell out sometime last week. I know Mike was thrilled to see it go. He wasn't to fond of the stump. It didn't bother me.

Sorry if there are any typos in this post. I was typing it pretty fast and I have to feed the baby now so I don't have time to proofread it.

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