Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Two Month Stats

Addison had her two month Baby Well Being check up last Wednesday. She didn't enjoy it too much. She received four immunization shots and one oral immunization. She screamed and her face turned RED!! The nurse said she would be more fussy, tired. and less hungry after the shots. My first thought was "sweet..more tired!" then "dang it, how much more fussy can she get?" Boy, did that question get answered in the next several hours following the shots. She did sleep much longer, which was nice. She got a tad fussy, but nothing that baby Tylenol couldn't help make her feel better. And she did eat less at nights. We all made it through our first round of shots just fine.
New Measurements:
10 pounds 8 ounces
22.5 inches long
This picture was taken this morning. She enjoys her little bouncer seat.
Addison and I do our daily sitting exercises, which involves her lying on my raised legs and pulling her forward (into a sitting position) by holding on to my fingers. She is beginning to pull herself up on her own. I was trying to take a picture of her sitting up (on my lap), but it didn't work out to well. I thought it was a cute picture.

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