Thursday, October 11, 2007

Been A While...

I know it has been a while since we posted. Let me start with a few pictures of what Addison has been up to.

She loves her exersaucer and plays in it daily for short to extended periods of time. She actually slaps the keys on the keyboard to make noises now instead of just leaning on the keys with her elbow.

Addison has also been eating like a champ. She currently eats rice cereal, green beans, and of course her bottle. She is also fond of chewing on her high chair straps and the arch with toys hanging from it that fastens to her tray with suction cups. On rare occasion, she will even hold up her own bottle as seen in the last two pictures. I say rare, because she is usually flailing her arms and turning her head to look around. I'm told we are going to start her on green peas here soon, so lets hope she likes them better than I do.

She can also stay sitting up on her own without any assistance. However, she does tend to fall over if anything gets her attention and she moves toward it. Addison has "discovered" her feet and ears as well. She will grab her feet and even put them in her mouth on occasion. She will also tug on her ears a bit when she is playing around. At first we thought this may be a sign of an ear infection, but everything is fine.

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