Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Updated Sonogram

Here is the newest sonogram picture that we had taken on November 28th with my text additions for clarity. We went to see a specialist to check for heart problems with the baby since she had a slight heartbeat irregularity on our previous check up. As it turns out, the initial irregularity was caused by a Dr. Pepper that Kelly had for lunch earlier that day. In Kelly's defense, this was the first caffeine she had drank in a long time. We failed to mention this drink to the Doctor when the irregular heartbeat occurred. Due to the irregular heartbeat, Kelly was on a strict no caffeine regimen for two weeks and scheduled for another sonogram.

We didn't get into the sonogram room with the doctor until an hour past the scheduled appointment time. Also, the nurses weren't even at the hospital until 15 or 20 minutes past our appointment time. We also had another lady there that had her appointment 15 minutes after ours, yet she got to see the doctor first. I wouldn't have been so upset about all this, but I had several important items going on at work that I needed to get back for. Once we got in the room, Kelly sat down for the sonogram, one nurse manned a laptop to enter information, and another kept messing with this goose-neck floor lamp. The nurse messing with the lamp kept trying to position it so that it was against the wall emitting enough light to see, but not so much as to prevent the sonogram screeen from being hard to see. She failed horribly in her task and they ended up just turning it off. This apparently caused the other nurse at the laptop to have difficulty seeing the screen and much squinting and frustration noises continued from that point.

The doctor found the baby very quickly and began checking lengths and looking at various sections of the body. We got to see the toes, fingers, and face in great detail during all of this. Everything checked out and the baby was as far along in development as we had previously thought. Next, the doctor checked the heartbeat. Everything was fine and the culprit of the previous irregular heartbeat was the caffeine as we suspected.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

She is waving! :)