Friday, May 04, 2007

Neighborhood Damage

Here are pictures of our neighbor's wind damage from the storm that passed by Wednesday night.

This is a picture of our alleyway. This is all the mud/dirt that was washed onto our alleyway due to the heavy rains.

This is one neighbor up the street. A majority of their fence blew over. In the right hand side you can see the other neighbor's fence is tilted over.

Here is another neighbor's fence.

This is from our backyard looking at our next door neighbor's backyard. Most of the fence on the back side and all of the fence on the other side were gone. Also, the green tint you see in their backyard is a wooden swing set; it crumbled on top of itself.

This is the same neighbor. If you look closely you can see one of their trees broke. Too bad this ugly farm-like fencing didn't break.

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