Friday, October 06, 2006

Kelly's Bday!!!

So, I turned 29 on October 3rd, which makes me sad to know I only have one more year left in my 20s. Where did all the time go? I remember growing up I always wanted time to move faster because I was ready to move out of the house and be on my own making my own money. Well, then college hit and I never wanted to leave. I wanted time to slow down...way down. I tried to drag out the college years as much as I could...5 years (j/k parents). I guess I should have asked the decade students how they did it and copy them.

The day of my bday, Mike asked "So, how does it feel to be older?" I said "Okay. At least I am not as old as you!" Thats a little running joke we have. He jokes that he is robbing the craddle eventhough he is only older by two years! Next year I will be able to drink liquor so I think some margaritas are in order!

As the true romantic that Mike is, these lovely gerber daisies were sent to my office. This is how we celelbrated my bday - and this was all my choice. For lunch we went to Whataburger because I have been craving a whataburger like no other - I paid for it. Didn't even dawn on me that he might like to pay. "So where did Mike take you on your bday?" "Well, we went to Whataburger for lunch and I paid." "Oh, what a truly romantic man he is!!!!"

For dinner I wanted greasy pizza so we went to this little italian place about 5 minutes from the house and order a large greasy pepporoni pizza. Mike paid this time!!

When I got home from work these pretty flowers had just arrived at the house. They are from Mike's parents. They are still all in one piece because the cats haven't discovered them yet!!

All in all, it was a good bday!

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