Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Part 2

Kelly's Dad and Stepmom came over the weekend before Christmas, and we had our first round of present opening. Addison got a Discovery Kids camping tent from Kelly's Dad and Stepmom that also had a small tunnel with it. The tunnel can attach to the tent or be used separately. They also gave her a toy purse with pretend make-up in it. Kara received a hand-held toy that lights up and plays classical music. Her Great Aunt Terry and Uncle Richard got her a pink princess outfit and wand. Both girls also received some lovely new outfits to wear.

Addison refused to take off the princess outfit for days after first opening it. She still carries the wand with her when she goes to sleep. She also has been having a blast crawling through the tunnel and sitting in her tent for meals and just goofing off.

Kelly bought the girls matching Christmas outfits as seen below.

We also gave Addison a Mrs. Potatoehead! She had a hard time with some of the pieces at first, but got the hang of it after a while.

We also purchased a Leapster learning game system for Addison. We bought a Nemo game for it since Addison is a big fan of that movie. I has a pen you can use with the touch screen, and Addison figured out how to use it very quickly.

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