Thursday, December 10, 2009


Yes, thanks to the craziness of moving I am just now posting about Halloween! Kelly's Dad and Stepmom were over this weekend for all of the fun. Below is Kara in one of her footie outfits with Stella:
Addison had a witch costume but declared she was a princess instead. It also came with a wand that was frequently turned into a weapon until I told her to give me a princess high-five that involved lightly tapping it on my hand. She was a lot better about nailing people(or things) with it after that. Here she is below in the costume. She would leave it on all day if we let her. We compromised by just giving her the wand.
Unfortunately, Addison was running a fever Halloween night and was not able to go out and about for candy. We did have a lot of kids come over for treak-or-treating, and she would jump up to go see who was at the door. Below are two videos of her doing just that:

Addison Halloween - The kid here is dressed like a pimp and his dad(near the street) was as well.

Addison Halloween2

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